A change in one life can be changed by an unexpected chance meeting of an old friend. This is how I was introduced to amazing cleaning products that would change the way I purchased household cleaning products for the rest of my life.
It was a Monday night on August 31st, I was given 3 complimentary tickets for the MGM Grand Theater at Foxwoods in Connecticut to see the Cirque Dreams called "Illumination" a highly artistic and energetic show, a theatrical adventure featuring an international cast of athletes, including contortionists, aerialists and trapeze artists. After sitting through a ninety minute action-packed production I needed to find a restroom on the way out of the theater. I saw the men's sign but did not see the women's sign but I did see women coming from a corridor as I headed in that direction. I said "Is this the way to the Ladies Room? to a woman that was standing there in my way, As she said "Yes" I said "Are you Eileen Moran?"
She said "yes, and my sister is over there."
I told her I would be right out so please wait.
When I returned there was my high school friend, Kathleen Moran from East Providence High that I had not seen for over 30 years. We were the best intramural partners. We talked and tried to catch up the happenings in all those years. I told her I was still in Avon and Real Estate since the early 70's. We exchanged business cards and
that is how I was introduced to Wowgreen.
Wowgreen International is a company whose mission is to help “free the world of toxic chemicals one household at a time”. Wowgreen promotes educating consumers on toxic awareness as well as coming up with a solution. As time goes on most of us are starting to learn about
how common household cleaners are poisonous to our homes, ourselves, our children, our pets and our environment. Research and studies across the nation are revealing their ill effects. Some companies are trying to join the green movement by “going green”.
The question is “how green ARE they?”
Many chemical and green cleaners are very vague and misleading and are still toxic to you and your family.
Wowgreen products are one of a kind. Each of their cleaning products contains a proprietary multi-enzyme formula, Lipase Protease Amylase Cellulase, developed to satisfy the cleaning tasks of today’s modern home. Their process enables enzymes to live in the same environment and maintain efficacy at very high levels. Wowgreen enzyme cleaners are pH neutral, non-flammable, non-corrosive, non-toxic, have ZERO impact on the environment and are 100% safe to you, your children and your pets.
Wowgreen offers a full line of cleaning products, all priced comparable to the cleaners you already use and have a convenient doorstep delivery.
Watch these informative videos:
"The Obligation"
Enroll in our preferred customer program and purchase products at a 20% discount (wholesale prices)
By simply transferring your spending from toxic cleaners to non-toxic cleaners you not only save money, but you will also make money. With the world going green and news about the toxic chemicals sold in ordinary household cleaners popping up everywhere, many Moms and Dads are making the switch to enzyme-based home cleaners.
What does it really take for people to go green and make some green.
Go to my Wowgreen web site and sign up
Go Green, contact me for more information.
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