But will it last for Christmas?
On Friday, December 19th,2008 we got our first heavy snowstorm. It was so beautiful with its pristine fresh pure whiteness and the tree covered branches. It started about 2:30pm and it came down thick and fast and furiously; in no time the roads became hazardous to drive because of poor visibility. We were in Warwick shopping when we decided we better head home, what normally would take 20 minutes took us 50 minutes. By Saturday, with the continued snow the compilation for northern Rhode Island and Lincoln where we live was approx 12 -15 inches deep.
My husband tried to get the snowblower to start but as you can imagine it did not run and we needed to shovel to get out. The main roads were decent but not clear to the asphalt.
" We thought this would last and we would have a White Christmas" Unfortunataely this major storm a week before Christmas did not last.The temperature rose to high 50's and 60 degrees and it rained and washed all the snow away. That right! The snow was washed away and on Christmas eve and Christmas 2008 There was no snow.