The first day of spring for 2009 is today,
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring comes in between the 19th to the 23rd of March and at different times. It changes on a yearly basis because the first official day of spring is the (Spring) Vernal EQUINOX. This is when the sun is directly above the equator. It rises due East and sets due West and does not do so on the exact same day every year since the calendar is not exactly 365 precise days every single year. In 2009, spring will arrive on March 20th, as stated above and the sun will be above the equator, crossing to the northern hemisphere at approximately 11:47pm 

The two most popular activities for the Spring season are?
Gardening and Spring Arts Festivals.
Source: The English Wikipedia
Happy Spring to You!!! How is the weather there? Ours is lovely!
We had a beautiful, but cool, welcome to Spring here in Tennessee. I hope you had a beautiful spring day in Rhode Island as well.
Hi Connie,
Our afternoon Friday 3/20/09 was
Hi: 48° | Low: 28° It was sunny until 2:30 then it was cloudy. The flowers are not blooming yet, but it is Spring, so it shall soon happen
Thanks for stopping by, our day was rather cool, too but sunny until 2:30, then cloudy.
Im just delighted that our winter is now in the past and we are heading for warmer days
Yay for spring!! I am not good at gardening, but the Spring Arts Festival sounds nice! :)
We don't have the "traditional" spring, but it is still beautiful. I always want to garden in the spring, but in Florida you are really supposed to wait until fall. I can never wait. But it is extremely dry here in spring. We do have arts festivals tho!
Julie, I love the Art Festival,too.
We have a huge festival in Scituate, RI.
Enjoy your Spring. Perhaps you can plant some indoor herbs. I hear that you have gigantic flea markets in Florida. Enjoy!
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