My younger son, Mark, attended the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and played a trumpet in their sensational marching band under the direction of an amazing so deeply admired and adored director, George Nathan Parks. This rehearsal video was taped in Michigan after they left Ohio and had heard the devastating news that after the Ohio rehearsal, their leader had unexpectedly died of a heart attack after he left the field and went to his room.
As you watch and listened to this band, the Pride and Class of New England, you see the emotional reaction to these members and their tears of sadness. These 2 songs were well-known at all their half time productions, the GO UMass GO and the "My way"
During their halftime performance of the Umass and the University of Michigan football game in Ann Arbor on September 18, 2010 the UMMB gave tribute to the memory of George N. Parks.
Serving as band director for 33 years he managed to get the best out of his students. He will leave behind a legacy that will be tough to ever be matched again. Many of the students will have a hard time moving on without him. It is so unfortunate that George N. Parks had to pass so young, only 57 years young.
"And now the end is here and so I face the final curtain...
To watch and listen to this special video please scroll down this page and turn off my playlist of "Music I enjoy"
I hadn't heard of the death of the UMass band director. This is a wonderful tribute to him and to his students. I'm very confident he will be greatly missed.
Hi George,
This was so unexpected. He was on route to direct the UMMB while their football team played Michigan on 9-18-10. They always do a spectacular half-time performance. He was only 57 years young, much too young, and yes, George Nathan Parks will be remembered by thousands.
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