Join me for Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane! It's a brand new blogging opportunity designed to help you document those precious times in your life that you don't want to forget! If you print your weekly memories you can begin your own book that you can give to your children someday! (And pull it out every now and then to share stories with your family. Kids love to be told stories about themselves, and stories from momma's childhood!)
As we read each other's memories, it might just spark ideas for making our own memories with our loved ones.
Make us roll over laughing...make us cry....it's okay. Tell a recent event or one from long ago.
Some ideas:
Births (emotions, surroundings, etc)
God's provision (like the time you prayed for $50 and it miraculously showed up)
New Home
Funny Occurences
Holiday Memories
Goofy, Quirky Moments
What Your Son/Daughter Said that made you laugh
Milestones in children's lives
Favorite movies, games or books of yours or your children
ANY EXPERIENCES that bring you a smile, a tear, or just a warm fuzzy
This is meant to help you document your memories in a fun way. It will also motivate others to take time for making memories!
Here's how we'll do it:
First: Go and put Wednesday's Walk button on your sidebar so that you won't forget to join in each week! *But, don't worry about making a commitment, just join us when you can. :)
On Wednesdays...
1. Type up a blog with your memory/memories...long or short, one or more, recent or old...it doesn't matter.
**Use the Wednesday's Walk button at the top of your post each Wednesday and tell others where to go to join in.
2. Come to my blog and add your blog address to Mr. Linky so other's can visit your blog and read your memory.
3. Hop around from blog to blog and read and leave comments on others' blogs who are participating.
Now doesn't this sound fun?! Tell all of your friends to come on over and check it out!
You won't regret pulling out all of those wonderful memories! Just think...if you participate every week, at the end of the year you'll have 52 memories documented on your blog or for your "Memory Book" if you choose to do one.
We'll start next week, so start thinkin'!
PS If you want a weekly reminder, sign up on feedburner for blog updates and then you'll receive the Wednesday's Walk first thing on Wednesday mornings. If you would like a reminder for the first one (Wednesday January 7th), email me and I'll send you a personal email on Tuesday. (see email address on sidebar)
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